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73.039 ~ 2279 ~ Sycamore ~ Acronicta aceris
UK Status

Resident. Local. S, EC.

Montgomeryshire Status

First recorded in 2012 at Middletown in the north-east of the county. This was the first record for north Wales. Since then it has been recorded a handful of scattered sites in the far east of the county.

Wingspan :  M & F, 40-45mm.

Confusion species

Poplar Grey and Sweet Gale Moth.
Flight time (Montgomeryshire)


Parklands and gardens.


A wide range of broadleaf trees.

Lifestage data

Overwinters as a pupa, in a double layered cocoon, sometimes more than one year. Larva July-Sept.  
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by DB, 16th Aug 2012, Middletown